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Our Vision For The Future

Progress for humanity

Shelter is a human right



Our Vision: Welcome
Image by Ash from Modern Afflatus

Where are we heading?

How should we choose to spend our money?

Effective altruism isn't just good from an ethical perspective, it connects humans from parts of the world that would otherwise never meet. We have progressed as a society because of our cooperation.This ideology reinforces the belief that there is strength in numbers. Right now there are over one million people displaced from last year's earthquakes in Turkey. The vast majority are still living in tents.

I ask you to imagine yourself in their position- you have seen the footage. Imagine what you would hear, smell and see. Wouldn't you be crying out for help? Wouldn't you be depressed hungry and cold? The likely probability would be yes. You would have lost all hope. 


Unlike most social enterprises The Racso Project will donate 90% of the funds raised for the cause.The platform and hard work has already been set up. I urge you to join the cause and donate what you can. Please feel free to buy one or more of our shirts to support our mission. 


Click the link below, donate, or buy one of our shirts. 


Our Vision: About
Working on Bean Bag Chairs

To all the people affected by the earthquakes we will do everything in our power to support your family and friends who survived. The Racso Project will show the world that we care deeply.

Next, find out about my crazy walk (Oscar the CEO) in the next section.

Our Vision: Services
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